Lista de deivi_parker Personal 9 de abril

Spiderman 60 comics recomendados 9 Cómics


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1. Amazing Fantazy 15 (1962) - Inicio

2. 'No one dies' [Amazing spiderman 655-656] (Agotado, a la espera de reedición en tpb) - Lidiar con el tema de la muerte de inocentes

3. Doc ock wins! [Amazing spider-man 53-56] (Esperando a bilitoteca marvel tomo 11-12 aprox) - Spiderman vs octopus

4. Power and responsibility [Ultimate spiderman 1-7] - Nuevo reinicio en otro universo

5. Spiderman blue - Peter parker y su triangulo amoroso

6. 'The spider and the burglar... A Squel' [Amazing Spiderman 200] - Quien es el asesino? La vuelta de Stan lee

7. 'Venom' [Amazing spiderman 300] - Presentación de Venom

8. 'My dinner with jonah' [The spectacular spider-man 6] - La relación entre JJ y Spiderman

9. 'Sinister six' (1964) [Amazing spiderman annual 1] - Primera aparición de los 6 siniestros

10. 'The final battle'(1983) [Spectcular spiderman #75-79] - Batalla Spider vs Octopus, inspiración en la pelicula 2004

11. 'One More Day' (2007

12. 'Spiderman No more' [Amazing psiderman 50] - La importancia de la responsabilidad

13. 'Original Sin'(1985) [Spectacular spider-man 107-110] - Spiderman mas oscuro

14. 'Spider-men' (2012) - Mejor historias el spiderverso

15. 'How green was my goblin!' (1966) [Amazing spiderman 39]

16. 'Coming Home' [Amazing Spiderman vol 2 30-35]

17. 'Spider-man Kraven's last hunt' (1987)

18. 'Death of spiderman' (Ultimate spiderman 156-160)

19. The spider or the man?' (1971) [Amazing Spiderman 100-102] - saga de los 6 brazos

20. 'Troubled mind'(2013) [Superior Spider-man #9]

21. 'The commuter cometh!' (1985) [Amazing spider-man 267]

22. 'Flowes for Rhino' (2001) [Spiderman tangled web 5-6]

23. 'Spider-verse' (2014)

24. 'The night Gwen Stacy Died' (1973) [Amazing Spider-man #121-122]

25. 'The kid who collects Spider-man!' (1983) [Amazing spider-man 248]

26. 'The secrets of betty brant!' (1996) [Untold tales of spider-man 12-13]

27. 'Spider-Island' (2011) [Amazing Spiderman 667-673]

28. 'Homecoming' (1984) [Amazing spiderman 252]

29. 'Happy birthday' (2003) [Amazing spiderman 500]

30. 'Unscheduled Stop' (2008) [Amazing spiderman 578-579]

31. Spiderman 2099 meets spiderman (1995)

32. The final chapter! [Amazing spider-man 33]

33. Torment (1990) [Spiderman 1]

34. Shadow of evils past! (1982) [Amazing spiderman 238-239]

35. 'The battle of the century'(1976) [Superman vs Spiderman]

36. Spiderman Clone Saga (1994)

37. 'Nothing can stop the juggernaut!' (1982) [Amazing spiderman 229-230]

38. 'High tide' (1986) [spiderman vs wolverine]

39. 'Rino on the rampage!' (1966) [Amazing psiderman 43]

40. '... to become an avenger!' (1966) [Amazing spiderman annual 3]

41. 'Like in the mad dog ward' (1987) [Spiderman mad dog]

42. 'The thief of years'(1994) [Amazing spiderman 386-387]

43. 'Back in black' (207) [Amazing spiderman 539-543]

44. 'The man in the crime-master mask!' (1965) [amazing spiderman 26-27]

45. 'The blind leading the blind' (1978) [Spectacular spiderman 27]

46. 'Maximun carnage' (1993)

47. 'The wedding!'(1987) [amazing spiderman annual 11]

48. 'The conversation' (2002) [Amazing Spiderman 38 vol 2]

49. 'Spiderman/human torch' (2005)

50. 'The delusion conspiracy' (1975 ) [Amazing spiderman 144-150]

51. 'And death shall come!' (1970) [Amazing spiderman 88-90]

52. Spiderman reign (2007)

53. 'Hero or menance?' (2013) [superior spiderman 1]

54. 'return of the sinister six' (1990) [Amazing spidermaa 334-339]

55. Spiderman life story (2019)

56. 'Best of enemies' (1993) [Spectacular spiderman 200]

57. 'To have and to hold' (2007) [Sensational spiderman annual 1]

58. 'The gauntlet' (2010) [amazing spiderman 612-633]

59. 'Venomous'(2004) [Marvel knights spidemran]

60. 'Dying wish suicide run' (2012) [Amazing spiderman 700]


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