Javi Oliveros


🔥 Coleccionista. 🙃 Loco. 👨‍👦 Padre. 🤘🏻 Punkrocker.


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Listas de javisays

Superman: Leviathan Guía de lectura

javisays38 Cómics0

Desde que el escritor Brian Michael Bendis dio el salto de Marvel Comics (su hogar exclusivo de 2000 a 2018) a DC Comics, su trabajo en Superman se ha ido const...


javisays9 Cómics0

Flashpoint will go down in history as one of the most influential events in DC Comics history, given that the Flash focused event marked the end of the post-Cri...

Death of Superman Guía de lectura

javisays46 Cómics1

One of DC Comics’ all-time best sellers, the early to mid 90’s “Death of Superman” trilogy (yes, there’s more to it than just the killing blow) has held fast as...